maanantai 4. tammikuuta 2016


'' To appreciate and fulfil the life you have been given can be quite complex and a struggle. Billions of humans have marked their existence in the past, billions now present and yet billions are yet to exist. But the majority of them aren't world-publicly remembered or recognised. 

Over the years we have adapted, whether that to be technology, ciliate and culture. The invention of a phone to now phones decreasing in size but have larger capacity space and deeper intel. Cars travelling at spends nobody thought would be possible. Construction being erected on all open land for the future of existence.

Horrific incidents globally changing world even more frequently than ever. Cities, homes and loved ones being destroyed and taken. Unexplainable, random occurrence or even planned plots being executed from within our own.

If god was so called to have put us on this planet, a percentage of us wonder why our own turn against each other. Civil wars across seas, land and air, simply beliefs and cultures turning against each other. Ancient laws written within causing chaos but can also comply with peace.

The world may be corrupted, so many situations altering daily causing more grief and misery. Nobody knows when their last day will be or how their life will end or even if there is some place of existence after death. A theory that will always remain unexplained and a mystery.

Certain values such as a money, possessions and loved ones create a happier environments and life for you to live with. Having the one life to fulfil to the maximum potential is beyond reachable, obstacles and unfortunate mark-stones within your life always uphold your life long goals and dreams. Expenses being one of them. Everything has it price. Cars, homes, holidays and even our very own man-kind.

But of course. Having dramas in your life, at some points you will have your exciting, thrilling and joyful moments. Mythological characters such as Santa and the tooth-fairy bringing smiles to your faces. Driving your car alone and legal for the first time. Enjoying the freedom and learning your own way of life. Meeting someone who you feel gives you value to your life, wanting her to encounter both of your individual journeys as one. Exploring within yourself and around the world, creating a new life with the person you care for. Raising them and nurturing from how you were brought up. Growing old and seeing your beautiful creations living their own lives and following in your footsteps.

My answer to how we have existed on this earth is that we have adapted from Apes over centuries into what we are today. Using different languages and number for ourselves to given as an easier understanding of different topics and theories. New theories are always being reported and proven, technology is always improving as are we, the human race.

The summary of my report is that, no matter what happens in your life you should always appreciate what you have. Give everything you can to try and exceed your expectations. Your life is worth living, you have just got to go out there and live it. ''

- Henry Piper